Thursday, March 25, 2010

Mechanics. we should shoot them more often

i hate mechanics. not the shiney spit n polish alliance mechanics.. i mean the hard drinkin genius mechanics that are either up to their elbows in engine oil or propping up the nearest bar.

after a night freezing my ass off cause the enviro plant went haywire i decided even tho the Denrei aint a tempermental aught two firefly with engine mannerisms that make you think its haunted, i needed a mechanic . nothing fancy . i dont need some super genius like Vega from hales . folks say that guy can build you a ship out of spoons and exhaust fumes. cant afford it and the Denrei ont need that level of expertise even if i could get the guy off Hales moon .

what i found . well she fits the stereotype perfect . a hard drinkin mech genius called Mychelle Foley. dunno what her story is yet but i do know she spent 5 minutes tweaking the port engine and now the Denrei makes pretty music when she flies. good enough for me any day.

problem is we was unloading the last of some cheap haul cargo at the drift . and she musta dropped a spanner or something in the cargo hatch cause half way to hales i hear a hissing sound coming from the cargo bay ... whatever got jammed in there tore a seal and of course mychelle true to form was sitting at the bar on the drift .

so there i am holding my breath for the orbit drop to hales .. no mechanic in sight , knowing damn well im gonna have to pay for new seals and not happy about it . i put a wave out to hales asking about parts and whos waiting to do repairs but Cody winterwolf himself . great mechanic but i know from experience ya never wanna stand to close to the guy . he attracts bullets .

me n cody got to talkin about this n that while he fixes the poor Denrei . turns out a couple of bolts UNDER the seals was the problem . all i know is mychelles getting the bill. and his little sister kitten running around the denrei looking at screens and playing with doors . never sure what to make of that girl . i like her but times she freaks me out . i mean lillybell can quote skyhook specs to me all day and its fine .. i know the girls got all sorts of info floating around in her head . but kitten was pointing out all the stuff i changed . no way the girls old enough to have seen an original c314. and then she heads off chasing bunny shaped clouds .

gotta admit though cody knows his stuff when he aint in bandages . 20 minutes and the Denrei was holdin air like new . so here i sit in orbit again waiting for a call for work or a message from that drift bar asking me to pick up my drunk mechanic . and its been one of those days that turned out shiney

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